Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why isn't anyone talking about this?

If you find this post, for whatever reason, please take the time to go here and read this page, download the .pdf at the end, and come back and leave a comment about what you think and feel about this news that's not covered by anyone except this one (originating) site:
The Fed Audit


  1. Actually, this Fed Audit question wouldn't be a problem were it not for abuses, yes even crimes, that have been heaped on a system that should function fine.
    Just as in any crime, there is a plenty of finger-pointing and blamed smeared on those guilty and innocent equally, but trust this; As in any crime, there is a guilty party, and there is a victimized party.

    People are, justifiably, hesitant to do anything about this when the perps have not been exposed clearly. To use an analogy, responsible people aren't ready to toss the baby with the wash-water.

    However, people have written about this, and logic and reason applied in a minimum of brain activity soon reveals the cause of the Fed debacle; and those who are guilty of causing it to be this way.
    But just listen to me tell about it; here is, for your reading pleasure, a snip from one who researches and writes very well:

    He is picking up the story in mid-phrase, but it is the same revelation, the same guilty party.

    "Why was there a financial crisis in the first place? Because of runaway spending that sent the national debt up against the legal limit. But when all the big spending bills were being rushed through Congress, the Democrats had such an overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress that nothing the Republicans could do made the slightest difference.

    Yet polls show that many people today are blaming politicians in general for the country's financial problems. But, by the time Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives, and thus became involved in negotiations over raising the national debt ceiling, the spending which caused that crisis in the first place had already been done — and done by Democrats.

    So who is the guilty party? Clearly, and succinctly it comes from one source. Those who are tired of this "paradigm," the solution is simple.
    STOP VOTING for them! How much simpler can it get?

    Let the whining and weasel-wording begin!

  2. So, let me see if I understand your point historically: the party that voted in the FED charter, in 1913, had to be "them a crats" (THE consistent nemesis and scapegoat for all the evils of the world) and THE "Right publicans" shirked no duties in turning our legislative duties of economic oversight over to a for profit, private corporation that is pure and altruistically motivated...? Maybe it's time to dig into history a little and see what we both can find, before pledging allegiance to either pole of "the party."
    I'll start here:
